Chitral Times

Jul 4, 2024


United States, main cause of today’s world sorrows

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Dear Sir,
The stories of miseries and sorrows we see spread around the world today have the finger prints of the United States writ large over them. Whether Iraq, Syria Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, any where there has been ruthless destruction, America was there to ‘liberate’ that country of a dictator or see the ‘victory’ of religious forces.

What kind of country is this US? Why can’t it mind it’s own business? The soviet union was a good sentry to check the despotic designs of the US, but shrewd propaganda and religion manipulated tactics of the CIA caused it to capitulate eventually.  Ever since, increasing stories of American hegemonic aggression are being witnessed by the world day and night.

Over the years the US has become so bold that with dictates like “Either you are with us or you are against us” it has brought feeble countries like Pakistan on their knees within no time.

The Americans with their intelligence arm the CIA are experts in using religious sentiments to create unrest in the world and know well to exploit religious weaknesses of societies.

Is there a way that we can get to stop America causing misery to the world?  Is there a way to prevent all these unnecessary sponsored killings and devastation?

May be China and Russia can get together to cut the US down to size,  make it stay in it’s own shoes and spare the world ruthless destruction, from now on, at least. — Ehteram ul Haq, Chitral, 21 Aug 2016.

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